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Ferm Tech has been providing best services like, SEO, Google Ads, Website Development, IT Solutions and many more services.
Our mission at Ferm Tech IT Solutions is to deliver tailored IT solutions that enhance business productivity and efficiency. We are committed to:
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- Ensuring seamless digital experiences with modern technology.
- Providing customer-focused solutions that drive innovation and success.
- Creating a culture of excellence, integrity, and continuous learning.
At Ferm Tech IT Solutions, our vision is to drive digital transformation by providing innovative, scalable, and secure IT solutions. We strive to empower businesses with cutting-edge technology, ensuring efficiency, growth, and long-term success. We aim to be a global leader in IT solutions, bridging the gap between technology and business needs through continuous innovation and customer-centric services.
At Ferm Tech IT Solutions, our core values define who we are and guide our approach to delivering exceptional services:
Innovation, Integrity, Customer-Centric Approach, Excellence, Collaboration, & Security & Reliability
With these values at our core, Ferm Tech IT Solutions is dedicated to transforming businesses with technology-driven solutions that create impact and drive success.

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Difference between Digital and Traditional Marketing System
We’re going to talk about the customer life cycle in digital marketing. So what does it take to get somebody from point a to point z.
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Few of Our websites by thousand of users.
And let’s get right to it so let’s start talking about why digital marketing is important. So let’s start there on the why so we’re just a fly on the wall and we’re in an office environment.
The one gentleman says hey can you also imagine a few differences between digital. Traditional marketing systems. Then the expert responds of course I can certainly clarify a few differences between digital. And traditional and so he goes on to say what the differences are between traditional and digital and let’s look at that. So on traditional marketing we’re talking about print radio billboard newspaper TV anything that’s not on your mobile. Or laptop so we know with traditional marketing reach is limited.
Promote Your Website through the Best Digital Marketing Services in Dubai, UAE
Digital marketing reaches maximum and what we mean by that is hey when you print something you’re printing it for x amount of people. If you’re trying to promote an event and you basically create a thousand flyers you figure it’s going to a thousand people maybe they’ll share it. So you’re looking about 2000 people maybe just to be generous well digital marketing we’re promoting an event we can promote it to. A whole lot of people depending on the platform so 2000 is nothing. When you’re targeting an audience on Facebook or Google search traditional marketing non-versatile.
Ferm Tech Best Digital Marketing Services Provider in Dubai
The digital marketing very versatile so again going back to our flyer printing an eight and a half by eleven that’s. It you know with Best digital marketing services Dubai you’re running display banners 468 by 60 200 by 200 250 by 250 300 by 300. I mean the list goes on the types of different display sizes not to mention text ads not to mention video or multimedia. So there’s a lot you can do to get your message out there with traditional it’s always delayed communication.
Lack of Rea Time Results with Digital Marketing
If you’re trying to get that TV spot there might not be a spot open until one in the morning. Well with digital marketing there is no hours. You can certainly get your point out there and have people see it instantaneously. So with traditional marketing there’s a lack of real-time results I mean this seems like it’s obvious. But you know digital marketing that’s one of the biggest benefits instant real time results instant. Now a days go to analytics you can look at real-time reporting.
Best Digital Marketing Services in Dubai
We could see real time results traditional marketing can be very costly I mean if you’re not only doing postcards. And printing postcards but you have to mail those postcards so there’s postage fees where with digital marketing. It’s very cost efficient I mean meaning you could pick and choose who you want to target when you want to target where you want to target what you want to target. And if you’re doing search you can put your bidding in place you can put your hours in place you can really control how much you actually spend.
Digital Marketing services Dubai
So that to me is one of the biggest advantages to digital marketing not only do you get real-time results. But you can control cost and then obviously optimize based on the amount of cost you’re spending based on those real-time results. With traditional marketing it’s difficult to reach a target audience.
Top and Best Digital Marketing Agency in Dubai
You know with digital marketing it’s easy to reach a target audience we mean you know I don’t want to bash traditional marketing too much. We mean if you’re going to put a TV ad in place you know you’re going to do it on a TV show that tends to gear more towards your target audience. But that doesn’t guarantee anything here we can simply go to Facebook or twitter or LinkedIn and just pick and choose specifically.
Who we want to target when we want to target them. So it just becomes a lot easier to reach a targeted audience on a Digital Marketing agency in Dubai platform.
Traditional marketing campaign
Then with traditional marketing poor campaign measurement with digital you have easy to measure and optimize campaigns. And what we really mean by that is because you get instant time results because you can control cost because you can reach your target audience. More easily all those a result of you can measure and optimize based on what our audience is seeing. And how much they’re spending to see it we can quickly make adjustments in order to optimize the campaign for better performance. So that’s generally that means that’s a culmination of pretty much everything that we’ve listed as a benefit for digital marketing.
Benefits of Digital Marketing Services in UAE
Now why digital marketing has been answered with all the benefits that it carries. Let’s talk about the is digital marketing. So you know that you know you want to do digital marketing. So how do we go about that what it exactly well let’s just define it digital is marketing it’s just the act of promoting. A company’s product or an individual’s product or service with the help of a device or technology. And so obviously when we talk about device we’re talking about. Maybe a laptop we’re talking about a mobile device and when we talk about technology it could be an app. It could be you know a cloud-based platform. It could be a piece of software so a lot going on.
Get You Want Best Result and Rank Your Website
Digital side in terms of variations and what you can do but that’s in a nutshell. What digital marketing is you’re really just using technology to promote your product or service? So we know because of the benefits in digital marketing you can promote your campaign on different platforms. So all those benefits we mentioned about instant real-time results cost efficiency optimizing campaigns. You could do that on search you could do it on social via email on mobile apps etc.
Digital Marketing and Technology
So that’s what we mean by with the help of digital devices and technology well these digital devices. And technology come in the form of search engines and emails and mobile apps etc. So when we want to go and promote our product or service using a campaign. We have different options so there are different types of digital marketing Websites. That we can choose from and let’s just go through that list of digital marketing Websites. And the first one is what I consider the king of them all and that’s SEO.
Difference between Digital Marketing and SEO
SEO Services stands for search engine optimization there’s search engine marketing there’s email marketing affiliate marketing social content mobile. And then we can get into subsets of each of these Top Digital Marketing agency in Dubai Websites. But really we’ll start with SEO because that’s the king and to me that’s basically increasing. The quality and quantity of relevant organic traffic on the search engines including Google.
What is SEO in Digital Marketing?
The depending on where you’re located in the us market Google ten has a large market share. So you want your pages on your website to be found and clicked on organically. And so that means that somebody types in a keyword you want that relevant page to show up first on Google. So somebody can click on that link. And we know that millions of people specifically in the us but worldwide you search on a daily basis. So if you’re ranking for those relevant keywords you can imagine how much traffic you can get. So that’s SEO.
Get the best services of Digital Marketing
And here’s an example so you type in online shopping well you can see the first listing here is a paid search ad. And we’re going to get to that in a minute the second organically is amazon. So online shopping you think maybe Walmart you think maybe Ali Baba or you’re thinking probably amazon.
Google Ads – PPC – CPC or SEM Services
No surprise amazon’s ranking for the keyword online shopping and so if somebody clicked on their listing. That’s traffic for amazon let’s move on to search engine marketing you know known as SEM or pay per click or cost per click or PPC or CPC or sponsored search or Google ads. I mean there’s a lot of different names synonymous with SEM so search engine marketing is really just using paid Adson search engines just as we saw. The previous example if you want to be found for keyword you don’t have to worry about organic. If you’re willing to pay for it you just bid on that keyword and voila you have the opportunity to appear number one in the search results.
Run Your PPC or Google Ads with Ferm Tech
At the top of the page for that keyword now when somebody clicks on it you have to pay Google. If it’s Google you’re advertising on but that’s the beauty of search engine marketing. You can bid on keywords and appear at the top of the search results for that keyword example here. If we go back to online shopping well is bidding on that keyword online shopping. So they’re actually appearing above amazon’s organic listing but that’s what they want to do they want to be found for that keyword. So if they’re not ranking for it organically well they’re bidding on it. And if somebody happened to click on that listing then Ferm Tech is going to pay Google something depending on what the cost per click is.
Keywords Depends on the Location
So that could be anywhere from one penny to a hundred dollars it depends on the keyword depends on. Who else is bidding on the keyword depends on the location depends on the time of day depends on quality score. There’s a lot of factors involved and regarding what you pay however the benefit of SEM is visibility. And getting traffic to your website for keywords you’re not found for so that’s why SEM such a popular choice for a lot of companies.
Top Level Digital Marketing Services in UAE
Let’s talk about Digital Marketing services UAE that’s a traditional type of digital marketing website. It’s been around a long time you know we all send emails on a daily basis. And we probably all receive emails on a daily basis this is an effective way to capture leads. And convert them to customers because with email you can personalize your emails and you can send your emails to a segmented audience.
Promotional Emails
So if you have emails from females who are 35 years of age to 44 that live. And say this southern part of the United States you can segment that and send them an email and cater that email directly to that audience. And of course you can put some nice call to action in there you could design it really snazzy and you could track it just like you can any other digital marketing website. So email is a very effective way to really reach a target audience because everybody for the most part has a functioning email account. So basically here’s an example of an email that could go out if you’re selling a product and the products promotion is about to end. Well you know get that email out to your target audience let them know hey you have until tonight to purchase a product.
Affiliate Digital Marketing Services in Dubai
If you purchase it you’re going to get 30 off and you can put the coupon code right in there with a nice call to action. And you can measure how many people click on that email go to that web page and purchase the product using that coupon code. So that’s an example of email marketing we have affiliate marketing. So affiliate marketing is an effective way for digital marketers to basically create a sales force of people. Basically what you’re doing is you’re getting merchants to promote your products and services and you’re using usually. A third-party broker like commission junction or Ferm Tech as an example to introduce you the person selling the product the merchant with the affiliate.
Is the Affiliate is a Third Party?
The affiliate could likely be a merchant he or he and they can basically be a good partner of yours by publishing your product. Or service on their website so that they can sell in order to get commissions. It’s all based on a commission so you basically are going to use a third-party affiliate like get all these affiliates to work for you. They’re going to promote your product or service if they do sell your product or service you’re going to pay them a commission.
Affiliate Marketing
That’s more or less how it works with affiliate marketing and you know with affiliate marketing to me. It’s a good way to you know really promote your product or service. And you can pick and choose the affiliates or the publishers of whom you want to work. Here’s an example of affiliate marketing at work. You basically see a banner basically you can see earn up to 12 advertising fees with a trusted e-commerce leader.
Ferm Tech Provide Best Digital Marketing Services
If somebody clicked on that and purchased for example or joined you could pay off that commission. Let’s turn our attention to social media marketing so social media marketing you know. I would say it’s fairly new I mean if I think about it we’re in 2019. And I remember talking about Facebook back in 2006. So you’re talking about 13 14 15 years of social media it’s definitely evolved over the years and but the concept remains. The same it involves creating different types of content depending on the platform.
Different Plate form of Digital Marketing Services
You could be on Pin-Tersest or instagram and be dealing with photos or you could be on twitter tweeting out certain characters up to a limit. So it really depends on the social media platform uh that really drives the type of content you’re going to promote. But we know social media can be effective because people use social media. I mean Facebook is one of the more popular platforms and if you want to get your product or service out there you could certainly pay to have an ad on Facebook. Or you could just post your content organically that’s the beauty of social most of your social platforms like LinkedIn and twitter and Facebook and Pin-Tersest and instagram.
Grow Your Business with Digital Marketing Services in Dubai, UAE
They’ll have a paid form of advertising that you can use to promote your product or service or you can go the organic route. And you know post content organically in hopes of driving traffic back to your website. So with social you do have two options here but social is interesting because a lot of different social media platforms out there really depends on your product. Or service so an example of Digital Marketing services in UAE especially on Facebook with Facebook and Google you got mobile.
Content Marketing Services
And desktop and you obviously have the opportunity to post something organically. And have that liked or commented on or shared or you could post an app and get that liked commented. Or shared or clicked and have people go back to your website and fulfill the goal of what you want them to do. So moving on to content marketing so content marketing is really an effective way of really distributing valuable content online. And when we talk about content marketing you know we’re talking about different types of assets so it could be simply text in the form of a blog post. Or it could be a video or it could be an info graphic or it could be an image there are lots of ways to create content.
Contact US
If you need our services just contact us on info@fermtech.net or call on +971 56 322 8596.
Freequently Asked Question
You can use direct marketing to reach potential customers through different mediums, such as emails, pamphlets, catalogs, and flyers.
The primary difference between both is the time taken and the mode to reach the consumers. Branding builds awareness, whereas direct marketing help companies reach out to their customers directly.
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